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The population of GCCS Areas

Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (abbreviated as GCCSA) are designed to represent the functional extent of each of the eight State capital cities. They include the people who regularly socialise, shop or work within the city, but live in the small towns and rural areas surrounding the city. GCCSAs are not bound by a minimum population size criterion. GCCSAs are built from statistical area level 4 (SA4). [1]

Population maps (click to enlarge) [3]

Population [people], population density [p./kmĀ²] and population change [%/year] [2]

State population comparison in % (100%= AU pop.)

GCC areas in ABC order:

Australian Capital Territory 411 667
Greater Adelaide 1 334 167
Greater Brisbane 2 413 457
Greater Darwin 148 884
Greater Hobart 229 088
Greater Melbourne 4 843 781
Greater Perth 2 039 041
Greater Sydney 5 132 355
Other Territories 4 621
Rest of NSW 2 729 319
Rest of NT 98 607
Rest of Qld 2 515 695
Rest of SA 389 504
Rest of Tas. 293 064
Rest of Vic. 1 477 867
Rest of WA 536 411

Sources, more info:

[1] Read more about GCCSA on abs.gov.au

[2] Population data from Australian Bureau of Statistics (Population and density: 2017; change: 2016-2017) retrieved: 2018-11-26

[3] Digital Boundaries: Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) 2016.