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The population of Australian states

There are eight states in Australia. The most populous state is New South Wales with population of approximately 8 million people. Three largest states (NSW, Victoria and Queensland) together include 78% of total Australian population. List of all states can be found below maps.

Population maps (click to enlarge)

Population, population density [p/kmĀ²] and population change [%/y] [1]

State population comparison in % (100%= AU pop.)

States in ABC order:

Australian Capital Territory 419 192
New South Wales 7 955 901
Northern Territory 246 688
Queensland 4 990 681
South Australia 1 733 474
Tasmania 526 663
Victoria 6 429 979
Western Australia 2 591 887

Sources, more info:

[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Government abs.gov.au (ABS.Stat) ret. 2018-11-04